Tuesday 15 November 2011

Pak Aji and the Tallest Man of Pakistan

A few months back Pak Aji was driving back to KL from Kota Bharu. He stopped at a rest area in Kuala Krai. It was there that he met Muhammad Riaz, the tallest man in Pakistan who stood at an amazing 7 feet and 10 inches. Here's a picture of both of them:

Pak Aji posing away in a once-in-a-life-time chance!

The picture is not clear but I'm sure you can see Pak Aji with his sarong! Mind you, it's quite nothing to him to drive all the way from KL to Kota Bharu dressed in such an attire! Kalau orang lain, terkena cirit-birit semasa balik kampung jauh semasa nak sambut atau selepas raya mungkinlah berpakaian begitu, tapi Pak Aji boleh berbuat begitu bila-bila masa dengan selambanya! Cayalah!


  1. Hehe...pemandangn biasa di supermarket,airport, fastfood restaurants in Kelantan...Men in pelikat, selamba je...my hubby pun selalu buat kerja macam ni!!!

  2. Salam Nor, ada kawan rupanya yang hubby sama perangai! Satu lagi yg biasa ada di Kelantan je, women in telekung lepas balik solat terawih, boleh singgah pekena teh tarik pulak tu! Pun pernah i buat di KL, semua org pandang, pelik!
