Friday 14 October 2011

Closer to Our Shores

In today's news there was a story about an earthquake in Bali which registered the figure 6 on the Richter scale. The other day, it was an earthquake in New Zealand, again. Day by day I feel like it is coming closer to our shores! For all you know, tomorrow we will experience an earthquake right in the heart of Kuala Lumpur?? Is that possible? Nothing is impossible nowadays!

Sometimes, when sitting on my office chair, on the 24th floor of my office building, I experience the floor shaking a bit. It has been a few times that I experience that and it gives me the jitters. How I wish I don't have to go through it again. I prefer being closer to the ground. Feels much safer at home, my humble single storey abode.

For someone like me, old as I am, I do not have much hope for the future. I do know that I would not be here long, I do not need much (money or otherwise) to keep me going, just enough time to make my preparation before I meet my Maker. From the looks of things, the world would not last so long too!

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