Thursday 25 August 2011

Queen for A Day Twice!

Last Monday I had another bout of migraine coupled with gastritis. Seems to me that all that pill-popping over the years has taken a toll on my body. Wanting to hold on tight to my fasting, I succumbed to an injection on the rump. Just after the medicine started to work it's magic, I drove home to a dark bedroom to have a complete rest. I was waited on by my daughter. She did the cooking for iftar - very modest - fried instant mee with an egg, sunny side up. 

All in all, it has been a long time since I get this sort-of-like VIP treatmet. Well, it was a well-deserved break!   

Yesterday I was queen for another day as I was forced to sit on the 'throne' for a total number of 10 times from morning till before iftar! That was to answer the call of nature! Throughout it all I wondered  how the human body could possibly contain so much gas! - wallahualam. By midnight alhamdulillah my stomach finally settled, ready for another day of fasting. Hope it won't bother me again today, insya-Allah!   

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